Hey, it's Mommy Moment's day again! Sorry, my post is rather late but not too late. I just got back home from a 3-day family get-away. Thanks for the long holiday here we're able to spend a meaningful bonding with family and friends longer without any worries of work backlogs and so on. We simply did enjoy!
This week's theme is yellow. It's good I have unearthed some pics from my archives. The first photo shows my two kids enjoying ice-skating at Mall of Asia. It's a birthday treat trip for my son who was then celebrating his 8th birthday. As we promised them to have a party until their 7th birthday, their birthday celebration afterward would just be optional. So usually we travel to a certain place to mark their special day. It was on his 8th birthday that he and his ate were able to go to Tagaytay, AUP, Mall of Asia, and to visit their cousins in Silang, Cavite. In this way, we make their birthday more memorable and meaningful by associating it with people and places they get to see or visit for the first time each year. My daughter's 9th birthday, for example, 10th birthday was her first time to go to the Hundred Islands.

My eldest in yellow with friends sat on the ground at a potluck.
Still playing bubbles here.Now no more kids' toys asked only computer games and videos and they seldom want to go with us voluntarily when I and dad go somewhere or even to family outing. They used to. They have now their own choices and decisions. Tsk! How time flies... We will surely miss the being child in them.
Look, she's still wearing character dress here. But lately, she already warned me that she doesn't want me to buy any character stuffs for her anymore. Even my son also asked me not to buy him any Superman, Batman or any character shirts anymore. Whew, what a transition for me and my kids! Uh-oh!
Good we have a pahabol baby after 10 years. He's 2 months old here.
No, he's not a girl. Just growing long hair as he's still malikot for a haircut.
His day won't be complete without browsing on his fave yellow book, Petting Farm. We have to take it with us whenever we leave home longer such as a weekend or holiday get-away to calm him down if he has tantrums. It is advisable to take something familiar for the baby whenever we go somewhere. At our get-away just yesterday, we found out that a page of his most favorite book is already broken. This is what his it has become.
But it's okay if his books wear down and are torn as long as he develops the love for reading at early stage just like his ate and kuya. It's worth investing for something worthwhile like books.
His battery-operated motorcycle with an elephant driver is now out of order, too. Both rear wheels were broken.
And what a pity for this swimming duckling! He used to play with this when he was 5 months. Where have his eye and arm gone? SIL Edna who bought all these toys said that he's a builder, not a destroyer (as his siblings brand him). I agree with SIL because I read somewhere that kids in Japan are appreciated if they destroy their toys as it shows their curiosity of things that will lead them to build or invent something later. Does it mean that both my boys are curious creative builders? Hehehe! They have destroyed a lot of toys, just a few of them have been spared. Hope they will really become builders someday.
Oh, kids grow, change and learn each day! But it's all up to our guidance and provision as parents what we want them to be. The wise King Solomon advises us parents to "train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it."
More Mommy Moments posts with yellow
here. Happy weekend everyone!