It's the last Ruby Tuesday of the year and I take this chance to look back at how God has been so good for the year that has to pass. I and my family have countless blessings to thank God this year 2009:
Our kids' success in school even if they're studying away from us.
For their teachers who have been patiently molding and guiding them.
For our new bundle of joy God gave us unexpectedly after 10 years
He's now 7 months old and is a real joy to all of us.
Our kids' God-given talents we strive hard to develop through God's grace
For their piano, violin and voice lesson teachers for the expertise they're transferring to our kids
For the character such as discipline, endurance and time-management they're building in them.
The laughter, excitements even the whining of our growing kids
Our loving parents- my mom who has just celebrated her 71st birthday and my dad 72nd.
We wish we could reach their age and keep a lifetime and blissful marriage such as theirs.
My dear husband who is such a great provider and supporter for our three wonderful kids
For being a loving husband and encourager
For the bountiful food God has provided on our table throughout the year.
For the loyalty, company and inspiration of great friends such as Ate Lil, Mai, Jena, Malou and Glee
and all my best of friends through thick and thin even in long absence
including my close blogging friends Kathy and Dhemz and the rest in the blogosphere
For the constant love and care of our dear cousin, Ate Guy, for our JD and Josh for over 5 years now
We can't imagine how long-distance parenting would be without her.
For Mommy Rose, Nene Boks, Ars and Ate Eunice for all their long distance assistance.
For Edna, my sister-in-law, who always keeps a very cheerful countenance and optimistic outlook in life even when things go wrong and tough.
Also my own and my hubby's siblings and relatives who are always there no matter what
For our church and Filipino community in Bangkok who lift our spirits up.
For the circle of friends such as Ate Myrns, Mareng Sandra and Mama Tess
for their support and encouragement.
For this kind-hearted friend,Jena, who brought me to where I am now
For the career I enjoy, my former and present boss who have been so nice
For all the emotional and spiritual growth in our marriage
for all the happiness and troubles we've shared
for all the endless blessings we've received
for all the obstacles and challenges we've been able to hurdle
for all the success and achievements we've reaped
for the good health, the exciting adventures and bountiful life we enjoy
and the list goes on and on...
and for the things that are yet to come in the coming years
we are so grateful, Lord.
To God be the Glory!
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