This month's theme for Marriage Monday hosted by e-Mom of Chrysalis is on Christian Testimony or any salvation story. I gave this topic a long thought but finally, let me share the heart-warming story of my 13-year old daughter, who is growing with a missionary heart. It's a story of how she shared her faith to her classmate whom she lost her temper with but had him baptize just last week.
My daughter has been a student leader since her elementary days. Assigned to be a leader in a group presentation for UN Day a few months back, she expected all her members to cooperate. But her leadership was challenged by one boy who never practiced his part for the presentation she assigned him. And on the day of the event, my poor leader daughter had to go around to look for this boy because he did not show up at the place where they were supposed to meet. There she found him in an Internet cafe not minding her as he was so busy playing games. When she asked him where his costume was, she got so annoyed with his answer: " I forgot it!". My daughter was unable to control her temper so she hit him on the head. The boy was more than embarrassed than hurt but the report went up to their teacher. I was told of this incident and I did not tolerate such violence my daughter was capable of inflicting to others. I told her that I did understand how upsetting the situation she handled but she doesn't have the right to lay her hand on anyone. And she got the message clear so she begged for pardon from the one she hit. She confessed that she was really deeply sorry for what she had done and promised never to do it again. She admitted that she felt so guilty of what she had done and she felt sad that she made Jesus unhappy with her bad temper.
Last week, she sent us an SMS: Mom & dad, I have convinced 1 soul to be baptized tomorrow. I gave him pamphlets about Jesus and lent him my Bible. I assigned him what he should read & told him stories about Jesus. Guess who the guy is? The 1 I hit last year.
I hugged my husband as tears were rolling down my cheeks. How could my daughter at her very young age minister to others by her own sincere asking for forgiveness, her repentance, her willingness to change and to share the gospel? What about me? Her story has encouraged me to be more humble and accept responsibility for others to see Jesus in me.
Like my daughter, I want to share to others how Jesus Christ can transform us from our sinful nature. "As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us," Psalms 103:12. We cannot effectively minister to others unless we ourselves, as Christ's witnesses, don't make our character fit for His kingdom and it is good to start our ministry within our very own family especially with our dear children. I would say that I just did not inherit the faith my parents had passed on to me without questioning, careful study and observation. I saw with my two eyes how they have lived their Christian life with unwavering faith and that is what I'm trying to pass on to my kids as well by God's help. May God continue to reform me, bless me and strengthen me.
Check out more inspiring salvation stories at Chrysalis: